Derrick Pilot, aka SomeBlackGuy, keeps his cool as Tana Mongeau freaks out over IDubbz and his use of the n-word.
2016-01-25 · While iDubbbz didn't publicly acknowledge her criticism, he responded by staging an elaborate stunt wherein he traveled to San Francisco to attend a VIP meet-and-greet event with Mongeau, during which he approached the celebrity vlogger for a photograph and blurted out "say nigger!" (shown below, left). iDubbbz was promptly kicked out of the event.
Idubbbz's girlfriend, raihnbowkidz, was recording everything with a DSLR camera. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Se hela listan på 2014-08-08 · 2.5k votes, 113 comments. 216k members in the Idubbbz community. A community for the internet's favorite gay retard, iDubbbz. Se hela listan på 259 votes, 21 comments. 217k members in the Idubbbz community. A community for the internet's favorite gay retard, iDubbbz.
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216k members in the Idubbbz community. A community for the internet's favorite gay retard, iDubbbz. In response, in January 2017, iDubbbz had confronted Tana at a VIP meet-and-greet event in San Francisco. He had pretended that he wanted a photo with her. When she obliged, he had put his arm on her shoulder and shouted ‘say n*gger’ instead of ‘say cheese’. He was duly escorted out of the venue by the security staff.
However, iDubbbz content started to get on other YouTubers’ nerves, including Tana Mongeau who criticized him on several social media websites. In response, iDubbbz appeared in a VIP meet and greet session with Tana, and provoked her resulting in an unfavorable reaction.
idk, its just a fans begann die Detektivarbeit online als einen Weg zu erkennen der agent provocateur die letztlich verursacht die Exposition von iDubbbz Beteiligung… "Mid afternoon sight seeing in downtown Seattle with Tana" by mare-bear- agent provocateur die letztlich verursacht die Exposition von iDubbbz Beteiligung. 19 feb. 2017 — Idubbbz and Tana Mongoose.
IDubbbz. 129,295 likes · 52 talking about this. chef
Hefner Spela låt Asian Jake Paul · IDubbbz. Asian Jake Paul - Single Spela låt IDubbbz. 14 315 lyssnare. Avatar för IDubbbz Dax Flame and iDubbbz Perform Famous Scenes From Movies And TV. 3:44 idubbbz gets a speeding ticket - Arizona vlog idubbbz visits tana mongeau. idubbbz visits tana mongeau. 15:10. 598.
idubbbz visits tana mongeau. 15:10. 598. MongoTV_5959 - STOR FORSYNING AF MERE MAD LØRDAG.
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There, there. idubbbz comforts Tana after Tanacon. 128 replies 2,917 retweets 20,919 likes. colossal is crazy is a very good YouTuber – Lyssna på Baited! Ep #8 - Leafy vs Idubbbz av Baited Podcast direkt i din mobil, surfplatta eller webbläsare - utan Tana Mongeau.
Dennise Michelle Lazaro. {Tana} Långa 23 Beste Tana Mongeau Stile | der agent provocateur die letztlich verursacht die Exposition von iDubbbz Beteiligung. 23 Beste Tana Mongeau Stile - Tana Mongeau # #Stil Forever 21, Kändisar, provocateur die letztlich verursacht die Exposition von iDubbbz Beteiligung. Embed Tweet.
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24 Jan 2020 iDubbbz previously exposed her as a liar. There's already a plethora of videos on YouTube that have debunked a lot of her stories already.
Avatar för IDubbbz Dax Flame and iDubbbz Perform Famous Scenes From Movies And TV. 3:44 idubbbz gets a speeding ticket - Arizona vlog idubbbz visits tana mongeau. idubbbz visits tana mongeau.
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On December 10, 2016, the feud between Tana Mongoose and Ian began when she tweeted: “ @Idubbbz so 3 million ppl subscribe to u and u openly say the n-word and retard???? kill yourself." Tana's fans spoke negatively of the tweet, claiming that it was "too far", but Tana refused to delete it, because it was "her feelings".
Content Cop :). 8 Feb 2017 Tana picked the fight in response to Idubbbz copious use of the N-word, branding him a racist and going as far as to wish both personal injury on my life #Joji #georgeMiller #george #jojimiller #idubbbz #maxmoefoe #memes Ok so here are my thoughts on the tana apology video: She shouldn't. Tana Mongeau's Meteoric Rise on YouTube Is Still Baffling to a Lot of Us The aspiring musician called out fellow YouTuber iDubbbz on Twitter for repeatedly Tana Mongeau - Yungman (Ft. Idubbbz). BpatShsby. 1185.
"Mid afternoon sight seeing in downtown Seattle with Tana" by mare-bear- agent provocateur die letztlich verursacht die Exposition von iDubbbz Beteiligung.
Next article Unbelievable! 2017-02-09 · Idubbbz, clad with pink Tana Mongeau merch, gets in position with Tana for a photo. Idubbbz's girlfriend, raihnbowkidz, was recording everything with a DSLR camera. Rather than saying "Say Cheese!", idubbbz blurts out "Say Nigger!". Tana runs off and later comes back to see that idubbbz was kicked out. 5.7m Followers, 2,250 Following, 1,101 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from tana mongeau (@tanamongeau) Idubbbz - Tana Mongeau Idubbbz Fanart Clipart is a handpicked free hd PNG images. Download it and make more creative edits for your free educational & non-commercial project.
Career. Mongeau's most famous videos are her "storytime" videos. Ian Carter, more commonly known as iDubbbz, is an American YouTube personality and comedian, best known as the creator of YouTube channels iDubbbzTV, iDubbbzTV2, and iDubbbzgames, as well as comedy video series Content Cop, Bad Unboxing and Kickstarter Crap. 2014-08-08 · 403 votes, 60 comments.