Je ne suis pas adepte des superlatifs, mais dans le cas du Hasselblad SWC/M, je ne peux y déroger : la qualité d’image offerte par le Biogon 38mm F/4.5 est tout simplement phénoménale. Aucune distorsion, aucun vignettage même à pleine ouverture, un piqué superlatif sur l’ensemble de l’image et une diffraction imperceptible même à F/22.


I bought a Hasselblad 903 SWC off eBay from a Japanese seller. It's a 1999 production date and one of the last batches of 903SWC. The description was " near 

a 4×5 camera and tripod the SWC handheld is quick and easy and portable and yet hopefully still captures quite nice photos for those landscape or building shots. Hasselblad 903 SWC Posted 7-30-'08. The next page contains information on this camera. If the image below looks like your camera, click below to see the full manual. 905 SWC (pdf, 2447 kB) 220 film (pdf, 931 kB) The Adobe Acrobat Reader allows you to view and print Hasselblad Historical documents in PDF format. Hasselblad Swc - Shopping (2) Hittade 2 produkter. Bild Objekt Pris Pris; Hasselblad katalog SWC 500C 500EL.

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The shutter release as well as all other moving parts work. Camera with viewfinder attachment and lens lid, film (expired), wooden box, instructions and original cardboard box. S Reminiscent of the Hasselblad SWC viewfinder, the optional 907X Optical Viewfinder (OVF) enables simple eye level shooting. Used in combination with the 907X 50C, it is easily mounted on the camera body via a cold shoe adapter.

Hasselblad 903 SWC latest type II Camera W/Optical finder, 2 x A12 Magazines . UVA filter, Hood, Cap,Strap Mint/LN- / Free shipping (USA). MSRP 

The Hasselblad SWC is abbreviated from Super Wide Camera at present and the original names when the camera was first introduced were “Supreme Wide Angle” (1954-55) and “Super Wide” (1956-57). Below are the highlights of the Hasselblad SWC’s manufacturing history: The Hasselblad SWC was mysterious, and a camera I had never heard of before stumbling across one online.

Hasselblad swc

Used Hasselblad SWC Blk w/ Optical Finder Used Very Good. $2,999.95 Save. SKU: USEHASSWC-UVG. Only 1 left! Title. Default Title. Default Title - $2,999.95.

Hong Kong by Mr.Rodinal 30 9 Hasselblad 903SWC, Carl Zeiss Biogon T* 4,5/38.

Önskar köpa en hasselblad 903 SWC i bra skick. Märke: Hasselblad 903 SWC Modell: hasselblad 903 SWC Passar till: Hasselblad V Finns i: Stockholm Pris: 123 456 kr Annonstid: 2021-02-21 - 2021-03-23 Hasselblad SWC Users. 71 likes · 21 talking about this. Hasselblad SWC Users is for users of the Hasselblad SWC series of wide angle camera from the Hello all With Hasselblad's advice in mind that the performance of the 38mm Biogon can be compromised when used with digital backs, I'd be very interested to hear of user's 'real world' experiences with the SWC series and digital backs and in particular 36x48 backs. The Hasselblad SWC-M and a 4×5 view camera are obviously very different beasts but the SWC-M feels like my new pocket 4×5 camera somehow (you would need a big pocket but vs.
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A fixed Zeiss Biogon 38mm lens, with a maximum aperture of f4.5, and the mirror box  2 Nov 2008 Hasselblad 903 SWC + 3 A12 backs: 2225 gm + lightmeter. Mamiya 7II + 43mm lens and viewfinder, 65mm lens, 150mm lens: 2284 gm. This  Hasselblad: Super Wide C (SWC) - 1957-1980. 120 film, 6x6cm exposures, viewfinder camera. Compared with the SWA (Supreme Wide Angle), this camera has  The Classic Camera Hasselblad SWC. It has practically become a tradition for MINOX GmbH from Wetzlar to present famous photo products in the legendary 8 x  The Hasselblad SWC is an all-manual mechanical camera with a permanently attached super wide-angle lens and a removable viewfinder.

#swc #hasselbladswc #hasselblad  Miniature Hasselblad SWC. VintagekamerorKamerautrustningCamera ObscuraProduktdesignFöremålFotografieTecnologiaFilmkameraFotografer.
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Hasselblad launched the H System at photokina in September 2002. H1. The H1 departed from previous Hasselblad cameras in several respects. Hasselblad moved away from the traditional 6 × 6 format to 6 × 4.5 cm, and included autofocus lenses.

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However, the Hasselblad SWC's Zeiss Biogon lens is not a terribly good match to a digital sensor; the light path is too extreme and it exhibits moire and other problems at corners and edges. I only know one person who tried it for much and

I could not log in . Everything Hasselblad made from 1957 through 2013 is forwards and backwards compatible, like LEICA.

Izumo by Mr.Rodinal 11 3 Hasselblad 903SWC, Carl Zeiss Victor Hasselblad AB is a Swedish manufacturer of medium format cameras, photographic equipment and image scanners based in Gothenburg, Sweden.