Absolut Citron is all-natural vodka with lemon and a hint of lime giving it a fresh citrus flavour used in popular cocktails like the Cosmopolitan. Now, was it that 


Absolut Citron was good news for vodka on the rocks with a twist of lemon fans back in the ’80s (and there were lots of them). More specifically Absolut Citron was launched in 1988, nine years after Absolut Original and two years after the first flavoured family member Absolut Peppar.

Denna citrusvridning är en absolut klassiker. Tillverkad i byn Åhus, Sverige. Absolut - Circle Liquor Store. Search our inventory to find the best absolut at the best prices. Absolut - Citron Vodka (50ml)  Absolut Citron is one of flavour extenstion of Absolut Vodka and is made exclusively from natural ingredients. Citron flavoured, it has exceptionally refreshing  Vodka Absolut Citron (1L) of Absolut Vodka.

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[April 14th] Absolut Citron Vodka (1 Liter). $32.40. [April 14th] Absolut Citron Vodka (1 Liter) quantity. Add to cart.

Absolut Citron 70cl - 100% naturliga citrusaromer får smaklökarna att slå frivolter av välbehag. Ger de klassiska drinkarna en ny dimension. Självskriven på det 


Absolut citron

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Postat av newbieman den 30 April 2006, 16:15 37 kommentarer · 14 013 träffar.

Absolut Citron lanserades 1988 - nio år efter originalet.

miniatures 120 X Mini Absolut Citron Vodka, Miniatures. Winery: The Absolut Company. Have you tasted it?
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Absolut Citron lanserades 1988 som den andra smaksatta varianten av Absolut Vodka. Precis som originalet, och även efterföljande smaksatta sorter, produceras Absolut Citron i fabriken i Åhus. Idén till en citronvodka fick man från att det i USA var väldigt populärt att dricka sin vodka "on the rocks" (alltså med isbitar) med en "twist of lemon" som smaktouch.

Försäljning av alkohol till minderåriga under 18 år är förbjudet. Ansvarig  Features a bright, pleasantly familiar orange-lemon lollipop scent and fresh, clean and brisk flavors, with most of the lemon in the finish. Balanced, with Absolut Citron hos dricka.se - inom vodka: kryddat | Absolut Citron lanserades 1988 som den andra smaksatta varianten av Absolut Vodka. Precis som originalet  Absolut Citron is one of the major core flavor of Absolut Vodka.

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Absolut Citron - Colourless, warm, lemon aroma, balanced.

Find calories, carbs, and nutritional contents for absolut citron-vodka and over 2000000 other foods at MyFitnessPal. Absolut 80 Proof Vodka.

Product Description. Absolut Citron vodka has provided a kick of lemon flavor and a smooth finish to your favorite cocktail recipes for nearly 30 years. Experience a 

Bli medlem och skapa listor med dina favoritrecept redan idag! 3,5 cl Absolut Citron. 1,5 cl rabarberlikör.

$22.99 Add to Absolut Juice Pear & Elderflower Edition (375 mL). Translations in context of "absolut citron" in Polish-English from Reverso Context: Dodaj Absolut Citron, sok z cytryny, limoncello i pisang ambon. Absolut Swedish Vodka 80prf. 0.75L. #34006.