Heh, det är liksom det som är problemet, att migranterna inte har samma bakgrund och förutsättningar som svenskar. Förstår dock att S inte gärna vill medge att
Probably all of us have seen contrails, although not everyone is familiar with the name. Contrails are the white cloudy lines left on the sky by airplanes.
Violators will be warned then banned if they don't modify their behavior. If chemtrails were to exist, then the intense and secretive branches of the government are doing a terrible job at keeping their plans classified. If this were their plan, why would they use a method that is visible to the human eye in the sky? I like that celebrities are being used as credible sources for the existence of the chemtrails as well.
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Even for a top-secret operation, there must be a place for operating, building, delivering, and those willing to … Is this all just a hoax? Chemtrails and Conspiracy Theories. A search on Google for ‘Chemtrails’ will yield over 7 million results! Before you dive down the chemtrail theory rabbit hole, know that you will be delving into a world of passionate individuals that will do everything possible to … Chemtrail believers who abuse this facility to post fake questions will also be warned, then banned for persistent breaches. Rule Number 2: Keep it civil and polite.
Podcast: The Sound of Freedom is Mark Devlin's regular showcase of conscious music. Its content stands as the very antithesis of the dumbed-down, spi
Over the years I have tried numerous times to contact him, but shortly after posting the following, he stopped responding. Business Details. Hoax-Slayer is part of a business that trades under the name Brett Christensen and has the Australian Business Number (ABN) 12 992 424 947 ABN Lookup. Hoax-Slayer generates revenue by participating in affiliate marketing programs for certain products and services.
Lors d'une étude menée par l'Institution de Carnegie et publiée par Environmental Research Letters, 76 des 77 experts convoqués pour l'occasion ont conclu comme Hoaxbuster à l'invalidité de la théorie des chemtrails Plus de détails dans l'article ici.
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You've probably noticed these white streaks in the sky. They're clouds of water vapor that form 26 Jul 2018 Last spring, Harvard climate scientist David Keith announced that he and a colleague intended to proceed with small-scale geoengineering 31 Oct 2017 Discourse on social media of solar geoengineering has been rapidly increasing over the past decade, in line with increased attention by the 12 Aug 2016 UCI, Carnegie paper explains persistent aircraft trails, substances in soil and water. 12 Feb 2020 Plane contrails have been the source of many conspiracy theories and myths, but they can also help you forecast the weather. Let's separate 19 Aug 2016 Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory.
Indeed, anyone with […]
Chemtrail: hox or n. The controls are generally regarded the amalgamation of two words that include chemical and trial.
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Chemtrails are geo-engineered aerosols that contain toxic chemicals. They are dangerous to our health and environment. Elite bankers use chemtrails to destroy the soil and manipulate the weather. They want to control the world and our food supply. We need to stop the spraying now if we want to save our planet!
Elite bankers use chemtrails to destroy the soil and manipulate the weather. They want to control the world and our food supply. We need to stop the spraying now if we want to save our planet!
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12 Mar 2015 Conspiracy theorists love aviation. One of the kookier theories is that the government operates high-flying aircraft to leave chemical contrails of
Now, back to chemtrails (another line I never thought I’d write). The reason reporters, alt media, and citizen journalists are digging up stories on Gates: no one trusts him.
But as the founder of Bye Bye Blue Sky - a group established to raise awareness of so-called "chemtrails" and what she claims is a massive, secret government conspiracy to control the weather - it
Conspiracy theorists have amassed huge dossiers of “evidence” claiming that chemtrails are longer, brighter and do not dissipate as quickly as normal aircraft contrails.
People sometimes think as Chemtrial hoax. To counter conspiracy theorists, in the early aughts the US Air Force featured a disclaimer on its website, stating that “the ‘chemtrail’ hoax has been investigated and refuted by many Debunking chemtrail comedy gold:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTAEwmrUEasThis obvious hoax gets taken to the loo & gives it the treatment it deserves by a p 31 thoughts on “ The Chemtrail Hoax ” concerned UK on January 29 at 6:20 PM said: Yes its chemtrails, i see from NASA worldview that you get your full share of them. Chemtrails have been the subject of intense media scrutiny for quite some time now. Those who’ve dared to go public with their knowledge of atmospheric engineering efforts — and even those who are simply bold enough to ask questions on a public platform — have been skewered by the propagandist mainstream media.