Nov 10, 2020 The Commission aims to strengthen the EU Digital Single Market, clarify and increase digital services' liability rules, and ensure a level playing 


Dec 22, 2020 The 'Digital Services Act' package is a kind of 'European German Network Enforcement', extended by transparency obligations, stricter 

Categories Lästips  166k members in the svenskpolitik community. This subreddit is dedicated to the discussion of Swedish politics, foreign as well as domestic. to meetings between the D9+ group of EU member states (including Sweden*) in regard to the EU's proposed Digital Services Act package. En grundpelare i det arbetet är en rättvis och konkurrenskraftig digital ett nytt konkurrensverktyg · Digital Markets Act · Digital Services Act  The European Commission (the EC) has proposed a Digital Services Act (the DSA). It concerns providers of digital services such as. Med EU-lagstiftningen Digital Services Act väntar nästa stora avgörande för internets framtid, som kan bli jämförbar med copyrightdirektivet. I denna video diskuterar vi EU Digital Service Act och vad den kommer att innebära för yttrandefriheten på internet.

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“ The Digital Services Act defines the responsibilities of all digital actors operating in Europe. And the Digital Markets Act will ensure that the online world remains a space of innovation and accessible to all players, big and small. These are just the first steps, and more are following.” The Digital Services Act package (“DSA”) should contribute to the strengthening of the internal market by ensuring the free movement of digital services and the freedom to conduct a business, while at the same time guaranteeing a high level of consumer protection, and the improvement of users’ rights, trust and safety online. Download the Report Introduction This paper reviews ongoing deliberations surrounding the EU Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA) and discusses possible implications of upcoming legislation for European innovation, the business models of U.S. companies serving European customers, and global digital services standards. EU Digital Services Act set to bring in new rules for tech giants. Published 15 December 2020. Share.

De föreslagna Digital Services Act och Digital Markets Act ska lösa mycket, men vad innebär de egentligen? I det nya avsnittet av 

Dec 15, 2020 The proposal for a Digital Services Act (DSA) will replace and expand the e- Commerce Directive 2000/31/EC and aims to harmonise the  Jan 19, 2021 The Digital Services Act's wide scope will impact companies beyond search engines and social media platforms, and risks creating new  Dec 15, 2020 Very large social media companies and e-commerce sites face new obligations to remove illegal and harmful content from their platforms under  Dec 16, 2020 The Digital Services Act would establish common rules for platforms' content moderation practices and establish the platforms as legally  Dec 16, 2020 New draft rules tied to the Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act would broaden European Union regulators' power to rein in Big Tech. A bill to establish digital services in State and local governments, and for other purposes. The bill's titles are written by its sponsor.

Digital services act

Dec 15, 2020 “IBM welcomes the objective of the European Commission's Digital Markets Act to create a level playing field online and prevent firms from 

The Digital Services Act package is part of the EU Commission's digital strategy aiming to reinforce the Digital Single Market and to realize the full potential of eCommerce. The European Commission is set to release today a draft of the Digital Services Act, the most significant reform of European Internet regulations in two decades. The proposal, which will modernize the backbone of the EU’s Internet legislation—the e-Commerce Directive —sets out new responsibilities and rules for how Facebook, Amazon, ACT – The App Association: The Digital Services Act should ensure better procedural safeguards for the smallest online platforms. The obligation that platforms of all sizes implement automated notice-and-action mechanisms presents a prohibitive and unnecessary burden for small businesses. The Digital Services Act is ruled out to moderate content and online advertisements on digital platforms.

The Digital Services Act (DSA) regulates the obligations of digital services that act as intermediaries in their role of connecting consumers with goods, services, and content. It will give better protection to consumers and to fundamental rights online, establish a powerful transparency and accountability framework for online platforms and lead to fairer and more open digital markets.
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Enter the Digital Services Act However, the EU Commission acknowledges the need for broader reform. This should modernise the law, reduce regulatory fragmentation across Member States and strengthen users’ safety and fundamental rights, in particular their freedom of expression. The Digital Services Act will introduce new rules covering a range of areas of the platform economy from content moderation to online advertising and the transparency of algorithms.

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Vad är Digital Services Act? Digital Services Act (DSA) är ett lagpaket från EU-kommissionen. Målsättningen är att skapa nya förutsättningar för mellanhänder på internet, anpassade efter de senaste tjugo årens utveckling.

Categories Lästips  166k members in the svenskpolitik community. This subreddit is dedicated to the discussion of Swedish politics, foreign as well as domestic.

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The Digital Services Act (DSA) regulates the obligations of digital services that act as intermediaries in their role of connecting consumers with goods, services, and content. It will give better protection to consumers and to fundamental rights online, establish a powerful transparency and accountability framework for online platforms and lead to fairer and more open digital markets.

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En del säkerhetsspärrar finns, men detta kommer att bli kontroversiellt. 2020-12-16 · The Digital Services Act (the DSA) aims to modernise and create an EU-wide uniform framework on the handling of illegal or potentially harmful content online, the liability of online intermediaries for third party content, the protection of users' fundamental rights online and bridging the information asymmetries between the online intermediaries and their users.

This should modernise the law, reduce regulatory fragmentation across Member States and strengthen users’ safety and fundamental rights, in particular their freedom of expression.