Something that’s strident is loud, grating, and obnoxious. Your roommate’s strident laughter as he watches cartoons late into the night might inspire you to buy a pair of ear plugs. Strident is related to the Latin word strix , meaning “screech owl.” This is a kind of owl that doesn’t hoot. It screeches in a strident …


Sentence with the word strident. They said they support religious freedom and want to push back against what they called the strident tone of some of the critics. "You suggest that the review is not being undertaken in good faith because we did not we did not ask you to contribute to what you describe as a strident report," stated Salz's letter, seen by MediaGuardian.

If you use strident to describe someone or the way they express themselves, you mean that they make their feelings or opinions known in a very strong way that perhaps makes people uncomfortable. [disapproval] She was increasingly seen as a strident feminist. 2018-10-08 · This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue strident in a sentence The bugles sound louder and more strident. Pipe band drummers now play on drums with very tight, knitted kevlar heads, designed for maximum tension to create a very crisp and strident sound.

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She has always stridently denied the accusations against her. 2. He is stridently opposed to abortion. 3. An air raid warning stridently interrupted his thoughts. 4.

I suspect it's the influence of "making strides", perhaps combined with a phonetic pull from words like "strive" and "strong". "Strident" is a word whose definition is 

What is strident: Loud, harsh, grating, or shrill; discordant. See Synonyms at loud, Use "strident" in a sentence.

Strident in a sentence

Abattoir Definition 1) Slaughterhouse 2) Butchery Sentence 1) Refrigerated trucks pulled up to the abattoir at about 10:30 every night. 4. Strident Definition 1) Loud 

Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Learn more. 2021-03-09 · Hindi Translation of “strident” | The official Collins English-Hindi Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Hindi translations of English words and phrases. strident in a sentence and translation of strident in Indonesian dictionary with audio pronunciation by 2021-04-04 · If you use strident to describe someone or the way they express themselves, you disapprove of the noticeable or persistent way that they make their feelings or opinions known.

A strident sound is loud, unpleasant, and rough: 2. expressing or expressed in forceful…. Learn more. 2009-02-13 strident. used in.
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Contents · 1 Phrases and clauses · 2 Types of sentence · 3 Basic English sentences · 4 Related pages · 5 References  14 Mar 2021 Use strident in a sentence? The Great Gatsby – Help for Annotating Novels . the great gatsby reference. contiguous .

The dog bit the man. Whether you're an ESL student or a native speaker of English, this is the first type of sentence you learn, and the most common in casual, everyday speech. In its simplest form it consists of a subject, a verb, and an … Fluster in a sentence | fluster example sentences.
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Find 31 ways to say STRIDENT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

🔊 Where have all our strident editorialists and big-mouthed politicians gone?: Not just because she swears a lot, holds strident political views or gossips freely about the pomposity of certain Scottish theatre critics.: It is a voice that veers from strident to enveloping warmth in a sentence, occasionally broken by cut-glass tinkly laughter.: It comes not at the behest of some charismatic Examples of Strident in a sentence. The old man’s voice was so strident that I gritted my teeth every time he spoke to me.

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Luke 23:34 Some manuscripts omit the sentence And Jesus… what they do; Luke were right there, saying their piece, strident and shrill in their accusations.

Recent Examples on the Web Work on the new relief package was hampered by the stridency of the election campaign, fraught relations among congressional leaders and the absence of the president from negotiations -- particularly in the critical final weeks.

Definition of Stride. a confident or assured walk full of purpose or arrogance. Examples of Stride in a sentence. When the interviewers saw their next candidate stride into the room with confidence they automatically considered him a serious contender.

strident in a sentence and translation of strident in Indonesian dictionary with audio pronunciation by Examples of health services in a sentence: 1.

George’s strident criticism of the tariff set him against Powderly and others in the labor movement. 41- For example, some accuse the Canadian Wheat Board of providing export credits (for a strident representation of this argument, see Goodloe, Carol. English words and Examples of Usage use "strident" in a sentence The bugles sound louder and more strident. Pipe band drummers now play on drums with very tight, knitted kevlar heads, designed for maximum tension to create a very crisp and strident sound. Stridency definition is - the quality or state of being strident. Recent Examples on the Web Work on the new relief package was hampered by the stridency of the election campaign, fraught relations among congressional leaders and the absence of the president from negotiations -- particularly in the critical final weeks. ‘Despite strident criticisms of her views from legal academics and at times her brethren, she has maintained her positions with dignity.’ ‘I was well aware by this stage that Judy was in constant dispute with the local authority and held strident views about their perceived inadequacies.’ How to use stride in a sentence.