Join the Department of English and Dr. Andrew Jolivétte for Creative Writing as Mixed-Race Embodiment: Queer Afro-Indigenous Futurity and Kinship. Register now. Larissa Lai is the newest Canada Research Chair in Creative Writing in the &n


Oxford’s English Faculty is the largest in Britain, and one of the most illustrious Schools of English in the world. Established in 1894, it has numbered among its members some of the most important critics and scholars in the field, including J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Edmund Blunden, Nevill Coghill, Helen Gardner, Richard Ellmann, Terry Eagleton, and many others.

The English Department Development Fund supports a range of department programs and student needs: assistance to undergraduate and graduate students, writing and scholarship awards, visiting lecturers and writers, and special  Richard Rambuss. Chair. Ravit Reichman. Director of Graduate Studies--on leave Spring 2021. Daniel Kim. Interim Director of Graduate Studies. Rolland Murray.

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Phone: (650) 723-4609. Email: British Literature Old and Middle English British Literature - Poetry British Literature - Prose Comparative Literature Postcolonial studies Digital Humanities History of the Book Literature and History. The Department of English at the University of Toronto. Ackerman, Alan Professor; Graduate Faculty; Undergraduate Instructor (UTSG).

© 2018 - Faculty of English Language & Literature, St Cross Building, Manor Road, Oxford, OX1 3UL email: or tel: +44 (0)1865 271055

Disability Studies. Health and Humanities.

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© 2018 - Faculty of English Language & Literature, St Cross Building, Manor Road, Oxford, OX1 3UL email: or tel: +44 (0)1865 271055

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English and Comparative Literature are the disciplines in which doctoral studies (third cycle level) are offered. Translation for 'faculty' in the free English-Swedish dictionary and many other Swedish translations. English Department Staff · Konstantin Andreev · Katherina Dodou · Zita Farkas · Irene Gilsenan Nordin · Billy Gray · David Gray · Fredrik Land. NU-Languages and Literature Faculty English Department, Jalalabad.
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Office: 460-340. Phone: (650) 723-4609. Email: British Literature Old and Middle English British Literature - Poetry British Literature - Prose Comparative Literature Postcolonial studies Digital Humanities History of the Book Literature and History.

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