Every year IATE receives millions of queries, which can be internal or from the general public, direct or through other applications. The current new version of IATE was released on 7 November 2018 following a full rebuild of the system with state-of-the-art technologies, the latest software development standards, best practices on usability and accessibility, and a new look and feel.



Tájékoztatjuk, hogy az Ön által keresett weboldal már nem működik. Az Igazságügyi Minisztérium jogi terminológiai adatbázisa, a Termin a következő internetes címen érhető el: https://termin.im.gov.hu Az Európai Unió terminológiai adatbázisa, a IATE a következő internetes címen érhető el: https://iate.europa.eu iate employment and working conditions iate transport iate environment iate agriculture, forestry and fisheries iate agri-foodstuffs iate production, technology and research iate energy iate industry iate geography supply chain or consumers and concludes that the restr iction proposed, is an appropr iate Union-wide measure to address the identified r isk. (17) Stakeholders should be allowed sufficient time to take appropr iate measures to comply with the proposed restr iction and 18 months is sufficient to this end. IATE (Inter-Active Terminology for Europe) is the EU's interinstitutional terminology database. IATE has been used in the EU institutions and agencies since summer 2004 for the collection, dissemination and shared management of EU-specific terminology. This event is organised to mark the official launch of the new version of IATE, IATE 2 IATE-databasen åbnede officielt medio 2007. Specificationen er baseret på ISO 12620 , en international standard til udveksling af informationstyper i eksisterende termdatabaser.

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Find out more on how we use those cookies and how you can change your settings The Translation Centre is an EU agency providing language services to the specialised decentralised agencies and other bodies of the EU. One of the most striking achievements of interinstitutional cooperation was the launch by the Translation Centre of the IATE (interactive terminology for europe) project in 1999. IATE has been used by the language services of the EU institutions and agencies since 2004 for the collection, dissemination and shared management of EU-specific terminology. A new version of the system was released in November 2018. IATE is a living database, i.e. translators and terminologists are continuously updating its content. IATE is the result of merging different EU terminology databases back in 2004, which explains the large number of duplicated entries (in many cases, there are several entries available covering the same concept). Click to access IATE IATE, the EU’s interinstitutional terminology database was developed in the early 2000s.

IATE (Interactive Terminology for Europe) is a dynamic database designed to support the multilingual drafting of EU texts, and legal texts in particular. It aims to provide relevant, reliable, easily accessible data which represent a distinct added

Flera termbanker från EU:s institutioner och organ har slagits samman till en enda termbank – Iate (InterActive Terminology for Europe) – som innehåller 8,7 miljoner termer på alla EU:s 23 officiella språk. Every year IATE receives millions of queries, which can be internal or from the general public, direct or through other applications.

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IATE (= “Inter-Active Terminology for Europe”) is the EU's inter-institutional terminology database. IATE has been used by the language services of the EU institutions and agencies since 2004 for the collection, dissemination and shared management of EU-specific terminology. A new version of the system was released in November 2018. Click to access IATE IATE, the EU’s interinstitutional terminology database was developed in the early 2000s.

This bibliography  One of the reasons why TermCoord (the Terminology Coordination Unit of the Directorate-General for Translation of the European Parliament) was created in  Previous database for translations and terminology drawn up of EU institutions.
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IATE has 8.4 million […] Cookie. Questo sito utilizza i cookie per migliorare l'esplorazione.

Experimental study on shear performance of plain construction joints integrated with ultra-high  terminology is the multilingual termbase IATE, jointly managed by several EU in- stitutions and accessible also to the general public. This chapter describes how. http://iate.europa.eu/ Now that Eurodicautom seems to be no longer available to the public, this is one remaining terminology database of the European  Usually iate.europa.eu works fine in Chrome for me.
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Idag får allmänheten officiellt tillgång till Iate, en termbank för all EU-relaterad terminologi. Detta firades vid en ceremoni som anordnades av Europaparlamentet och Europeiska kommissionen. Flera termbanker från EU:s institutioner och organ har slagits samman till en enda termbank – Iate (InterActive Terminology for Europe) – som innehåller 8,7 miljoner termer på alla EU:s 23 officiella språk.

The current new version of IATE was released on 7 November 2018 following a full rebuild of the system with state-of-the-art technologies, the latest software development standards, best practices on usability and accessibility, and a new look and feel. IATE - Frequently Asked Questions | European Union Open Data Portal.

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appropr iate exper tise cannot all sit on one committee, for example when they are based in different geographical 5.11.2018 EN Official Jour nal of the European Union L 274/1 ( 1 ) OJ L 171, 29.6.2016, p.

Click to access IATE. IATE, the EU’s interinstitutional terminology database was developed in the early 2000s. The database is managed by the IATE Management Group with representatives from the following institutions: – The European Parliament – The European Commission – The Council of the European Union – The European Court of Justice The EU Open Data Portal provides, via a metadata catalogue, a single point of access to data of the EU institutions, agencies and bodies for anyone to reuse. IATE - IATE search interface | European Union Open Data Portal Carbon Leakage is a term that originated within the walls of EU institutions.

European Union website - EUROPA is the official EU website that provides access to information published by all EU institutions, agencies and bodies.

European Union Terminology (IATE). iate.europa.eu. read more. Followers: 0. Datasets: 1. Datasets · Activity Stream · About  Mar 13, 2021 IATE stands for InterActive Terminology for Europe.

Key features of the new IATE IATE. IATE (InterActive Terminology for Europe) is a multilingual term database used for translations within the European institutions. It consists of a search engine for expressions and phrases used in all areas of European Union activity. It requires rather professional knowledge of the target language in order to be used properly.