För Cartana innebär det tillgång till resurser för ytterligare utveckling av teknologin och en mycket starkare kommersiell plattform. Då Cartana redan har gjort betydande tekniska framsteg så kommer detta med all sannolikhet att bidra till framtida produktutveckling på 10x Genomics.
And the announcement follows 10x Genomics’ acquisition of Stockholm-based CartaNA AB (developers of In Situ RNA analysis technology) in late August. These two acquisitions will give 10x Genomics comprehensive and foundational intellectual property, key technology advances, and deep talent and expertise in the emerging In Situ field. För Cartana innebär det tillgång till resurser för ytterligare utveckling av teknologin och en mycket starkare kommersiell plattform. Då Cartana redan har gjort betydande tekniska framsteg så kommer detta med all sannolikhet att bidra till framtida produktutveckling på 10x Genomics.
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The Swedish life science company Cartana, whose technology has its origin in research from Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University, was recently sold to American 10x Genomics for SEK 424 million. Anders Nordström and Simon Fredriksson have both been involved in the company. Saxonov in the Q&A suggested that the ReadCoor platform itself won't be 10X's product but rather a fusion of ReadCoor, Cartana and 10X technologies. Perhaps the shortest interval between flashy AGBT rollout and being iced. While he didn't give specifics, Saxonov stated that the ReadCoor device wasn't what 10X's customers wanted. 10x Genomics 於今年 8 月下旬以 4120 萬美元收購原位 RNA 定序公司 Cartana。 Read More After a comprehensive assessment of In Situ efforts worldwide, we are thrilled to welcome ReadCoor and CartaNA to the 10x team,” said Serge Saxonov, co-founder and CEO of 10x Genomics.
att förvärva företaget, säger Mårten Winge, som har varit Cartanas vd, till Ny Teknik. 10x Genomics har huvudkontor utanför San Francisco och ska nu inkorp.
About 10x Genomics 10x Genomics is a life science technology company building products to interrogate, understand and master biology to advance human health. The company’s integrated solutions include instruments, consumables and software for analyzing biological systems at a resolution and scale that matches the complexity of biology.
After a comprehensive assessment of In Situ efforts worldwide, we are thrilled to welcome ReadCoor and CartaNA to the 10x team," said Serge Saxonov, co-founder and CEO of 10x Genomics.
10x Genomics 於今年 8 月下旬以 4120 萬美元收購原位 RNA 定序公司 Cartana。 Read More After a comprehensive assessment of In Situ efforts worldwide, we are thrilled to welcome ReadCoor and CartaNA to the 10x team,” said Serge Saxonov, co-founder and CEO of 10x Genomics.
Eric Jaschke - Director, Investor Relations and Strategic Finance. Serge Saxonov
10x Genomics, Inc. (NASDAQ: TXG), a pioneer in single-cell genomics, has been eliciting significant investor interest ever since it went public more than a year ago.The biotechnology firm has strived to bring innovation to the business by consistently rolling out new products and adding new capabilities to its existing products. The global spatial genomics and transcriptomics market size was valued at USD 163.8 million in 2020 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 11.1% from 2021 to 2028. Architecture analysis of genome content in histological specimens is considered a cornerstone in …
Cartana som i dag finns på Karolinska Institutet kommer även fortsättningsvis att vara baserade i Stockholm. – Vi är oerhört glada att vi nu blir en del av 10x Genomics, som enligt oss är den mest framgångsrika och snabbast accelererande leverantören av life science-verktyg i världen. Cartana-tekniken kompletterar i hög grad 10x Genomics befintliga Chromium- och Visium-plattformar och planen är att integrera tekniken i framtida produktförbättringar.
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Director Process Development på 10x Genomics 2021-01-14 PLEASANTON, Calif. , Nov. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 10x Genomics, Inc. (Nasdaq: TXG) today reported financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2020 . Recent Highlights Revenue was $71.8 million for the third quarter, representing a 17% increase over the corresponding period in 10x Genomics, Inc. (Nasdaq: TXG) today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire ReadCoor, Inc., for cash and stock consideration of $350 million. The announcement follows 10x Genomics’ acquisition of Stockholm-based CartaNA AB, developers of In Situ RNA analysis technology, 2020-10-05 After a comprehensive assessment of In Situ efforts worldwide, we are thrilled to welcome ReadCoor and CartaNA to the 10x team,” said Serge Saxonov, co-founder and CEO of 10x Genomics. 2020-10-06 2021-02-18 10X Genomics has raised a total of $242.6M in funding over 6 rounds.
While Cartana was acquired for a smaller sum of around $40M, the underlying technology may be key to a potential 10x Genomics in situ analysis platform. Many experts believe the IP from both companies will be used in combination, as the reagents from Cartana could address some of
CARTANA in situ sequencing was just bought by 10X Genomics for $41.2 million. They provide a complement to the Visium technology that generates beautiful gene expression maps of tissue sections as seen in Fig 1c of a recent bioRxiv report (see below).
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CartaNA tillhandahåller en världsledande teknologi som gör det möjligt för forskare att visualisera och … Cartana-tekniken kompletterar i hög grad 10x Genomics befintliga Chromium- och Visium-plattformar och planen är att integrera tekniken i framtida produktförbättringar. Cartana-teamet kommer att ingå i 10x Genomics svenska forskningscentrum som startades i … Det amerikanska bioteknikföretaget 10x Genomics förvärvar det svenska bolaget Cartana, som för två år sedan finansierades av Sciety-nätverket. Tre år efter start blir det svenska bioteknikbolaget Cartana en del av det Nasdaqnoterade amerikanska 10x Genomics, som är marknadsledande inom single cell analysis-teknologi.
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10X Genomics: CARTANA Next generation In Situ technology Spatially decode up to hundreds of genes simultaneously, within morphologically intact tissue samples at single cell resolution. In Situ analysis is an innovative method of nucleic acid analysis performed directly in situ on the tissue section, preserving spatial information.
14 april, 2021. Stor potential i onoterade svenska life science-bolag 10X Genomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:TXG) Q3 2020 Earnings Conference Call November 10, 2020 5:00 PM ET Company Participants. Eric Jaschke - Director, Investor Relations and Strategic Finance. Serge Saxonov 2021-04-08 2020-12-10 2021-03-26 10x Genomics, Inc. (NASDAQ: TXG), a pioneer in single-cell genomics, has been eliciting significant investor interest ever since it went public more than a year ago.The biotechnology firm has strived to bring innovation to the business by consistently rolling out new products and adding new capabilities to its existing products. The global spatial genomics and transcriptomics market size was valued at USD 163.8 million in 2020 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 11.1% from 2021 to 2028. Architecture analysis of genome content in histological specimens is considered a cornerstone in … Cartana som i dag finns på Karolinska Institutet kommer även fortsättningsvis att vara baserade i Stockholm. – Vi är oerhört glada att vi nu blir en del av 10x Genomics, som enligt oss är den mest framgångsrika och snabbast accelererande leverantören av life science-verktyg i världen.
10x Genomics har huvudkontor utanför San Francisco och ska nu inkorporera Cartanas verksamhet i sin organisation, berättar Mårten Winge. –
CartaNA tillhandahåller en världsledande teknologi som gör det möjligt för forskare att visualisera och … Cartana-tekniken kompletterar i hög grad 10x Genomics befintliga Chromium- och Visium-plattformar och planen är att integrera tekniken i framtida produktförbättringar.
The Swedish life science company Cartana, whose technology has its origin in research from Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University, was recently sold to American 10x Genomics for SEK 424 million. Anders Nordström and Simon Fredriksson have both been involved in the company. Saxonov in the Q&A suggested that the ReadCoor platform itself won't be 10X's product but rather a fusion of ReadCoor, Cartana and 10X technologies. Perhaps the shortest interval between flashy AGBT rollout and being iced.