Stage V. The regulation was proposed in 2014 [3125] and finalized on September 14, 2016 [3478] (detailed technical requirements will be defined in the implementing legislation expected in 2017). The standards are effective from 2019 for engines below 56 kW and above 130 kW, and from 2020 for engines of 56-130 kW.


2021-04-14 · By Alfred Kammer Español, Français, Português One year into the pandemic, Europe finds itself at another turning point. New waves of infection are hitting the continent, requiring new lockdowns. But, unlike last year, safe and effective vaccines are now available. While the pace of vaccination is still slow, an end to the pandemic

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Financed by the European Regional Development Fund. Russias Sputnik V vaccine has sown division among former Eastern Bloc countries, analysts say, with some seeing it as a godsend and others as a Kremlin propaganda tool. SOMAR Europe B.V. Arlandaweg 92 1043 EX Amsterdam Netherlands +31 (0)251 336 004 V-Europe représente la voix et les intérêts des victimes du terrorisme en Belgique, ainsi que des ressortissants belges victimes d’attaques terroristes perpétrées à l’étranger.

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2014-10-12 · Get the latest European news from BBC News in Europe: headlines, features and analysis from BBC correspondents across the European Union, EU, and the rest of Europe.

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