Spies Hecker® Raderal® Spray Polyester 3508. Very high build Fast drying Excellent sanding properties. Helpful Links:
Then Barnes prepped the sheetmetal with Spies Hecker Permasolid EP Primer Surfacer 4500, followed by its Raderal Spray Polyester 3508 and Permasolid HS Premium Surfacer 5310.
Permasolid® HS Clear Coat 8030. Raderal Spray Polyester 3508 est un produit à deux composants fait à partir de résine de polyester non saturée de notre système polyester 2K. Ce mastic à vaporiser à très haut pouvoir couvrant convient particulièrement pour remplir les surfaces préparées rapidement et les surfaces non uniformes des voitures de tourisme. Raderal Spray Raderal Spray Polyester 3508 (except on galvanised steel) Primer Primer-surfacer Surfacer VOC compliant 2004/42/IIB(b)(250) 175: The EU limit value for this product (product category: IIB(b)) in ready to use form is maximum 250 g/l of VOC. The VOC content of this product in ready to use form is maximum 175 g/l. Raderal® Spray Polyester 3508. Raderal® Spray Polyester 3508 is a two-pack spray putty for passenger car repairs. Application method: For levelling large uneven areas.
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Very high build Fast drying Excellent sanding properties. Helpful Links: User-friendly spray putty. Raderal Spray Polyester 3508 is a high-quality 2K polyester spray putty designed to smooth out rough, uneven areas. . Is particularly suited to large surface The Raderal Spray Polyester 3508 is a two-pack product based on unsaturated polyester resin from the Spies Heckler “2K-Polyester-system.” It is a very high build spray putty that dries quickly, has excellent sanding properties, and is particularly suited for large straight areas. 2021-03-11 · Raderal 3508 spray polyester PuTTY is characterized by its speed of drying and their excellent sanding properties.
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Särskilt lämplig för Carrafont uses a variety of Spies Hecker products. Raderal Spray Polyester 3508 with Permasolid HS Premium Surfacer 5310 and Permasolid Steg 4: Glätta ytor, utjämna små. ojämnheter. – Raderal ® Spray Polyester 3508.
Raderal Spray Polyester 3508 250gr/ltr Raderal IR Premium Putty 2035 150gr/ltr Raderal Fine Putty 0911 170gr/ltr Raderal Special Putty 2011 200gr/ltr SPACHTEL HÄRTER VOS Raderal Hardener 9520 as RFU 250 gr/ltr Raderal Hardener 0909/0940 as RFU 150 gr/ltr
Raderal Spray Polyester 3508 is a two-pack product based on unsaturated polyester resin from our “2K-Polyester-System.” This very high build spray putty is particularly suitable for filling roughly prepared bodywork damage and uneven areas on passenger cars. Raderal Spray Polyester 3508 dries quickly and has excellent sanding properties. Raderal® Spray Polyester 3508 is a two-pack spray putty for passenger car repairs. Application method: For levelling large uneven areas. VOC content < 250 g/l Raderal® Spray Polyester 3508 Raderal® Hardener 9520 Raderal® Spray Polyester Reducer 7690 500 - 600 µm film thicknesses up to 1000µm are possible Clean after use with a suitable solventbased guncleaner. Remarks.Material has to be at room temperature (18-25°C) before use..Do not apply over 1K primer, etch primer or thermoplastic acrylic Spies Hecker Raderal Spray Polyester 3508. Raderal® Spray Polyester 3508 is a two-pack spray putty for passenger car repairs.
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Raderal Spray Polyester 3508 (excepto piezas galvanizadas) Imprimación Imprimación-Aparejo Aparejo Si se necesita otra capa, volver a aplicar encima. Kaufen Sie Spies Hecker - Raderal Füllgrund graubeige 3508 (1 Liter) im Auto 2K - Polyester-System / der starkfüllende Polyester-Spritzspachtel (1Liter) - sehr gut Nigrin Haftgrund-Spray, Grau, 400 ml Sprühdose, für die Grundierun
3508 14 V.1 Fiche technique Raderal Spray Polyester 3508 Raderal Spray Polyester 3508 est un produit à deux composants fait à partir de résine de
Apr 27, 2018 · The Raderal Spray Polyester 3508 is a two-pack product based on unsaturated polyester resin from the Spies Heckler “2K-Polyester-system. of
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Raderal® Spray Polyester 3508 is a low VOC compliant, two pack product based on unsaturated polyester resin from our “2K-Polyester-system”. This very high build spray putty is particularly suitable for filling roughly prepared bodywork damage and uneven areas on passenger cars.
Remarks.Material has to be at room temperature (18-25°C) before use..Do not apply over 1K primer, etch primer or thermoplastic acrylic Raderal Spray Polyester 3508 is a two-pack spray putty for passenger car repairs. Application method: For levelling large uneven areas. VOC content < 250 g/l Spies Hecker Raderal Spray Polyester 3508. Raderal® Spray Polyester 3508 is a two-pack spray putty for passenger car repairs.
3.4 Spies Hecker Raderal Spray Polyester 3508, Spies Hecker Permasolid Spectro Sealer 5450 4.0 APPROVED PAINT(S): 4.1 IMRON FT 2.1+, White, Color 37875 per FED-STD-595 5.0 PROCEDURE FOR REWORKING GLOSS FINISHES: This procedure is to be used if reworking existing products painted with a …
VOC content < 250 g/l Raderal® Spray Polyester 3508 Forarbejdning STANDARD Det tilrådes på det kraftigste at bære personligt beskyttende udstyr under arbejdets udførelse for at undgå hud- og øjenirritation. Undergrunde, som er forarbejdet med 2K polyesterprodukter og derefter slebet let og rengjorte.
Can you spray Jan 21, 2014 Hecker Permasolid EP Primer Surfacer 4500, followed by its Raderal Spray Polyester 3508 and Permasolid HS Premium Surfacer 5310. coating with Raderal® Spray Polyester 3508 or Raderal® putty.