Un mois plus tard, le site Android Police présente une méthode censée permettre le piratage d'une application Android payante.


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There are multiple things that may be scaling your image with anti-aliasing. One is BitmapFactory.For example, if you have a drawable-mdpi resource and the current resource configuration is xhdpi, it will scale at decode time.You can provide options to avoid this, but the easiest way around it is to put these resources in drawable-nodpi.. The canvas also scales the image with bilinear sampling

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Some of the most popular spam filters are Truecaller, Hiya, Kaspersky Antivirus AppLock & Web Security, and Comodo Anti … Anti piratage. 1 like. Personal Blog We recommend that you enable Anti-Phishing for maximum protection against potential phishing attacks. After you have completed the installation of ESET Mobile Security or ESET Endpoint Security for Android, you must enable accessibility permissions for ESET in order to enable the full functionality of the Anti-Phishing module for internet browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Opera Mini, DuckDuckGo). 2021-02-04 2021-03-16 Fbk anti-piratage. 13 likes. Cette page est dédié a tous les utilisateurs afin de renforcé leur sécurité sur les réseaux et de mieux protéger leur compte Facebook.

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